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We help you find the next step
in living.

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Sell your property

Selling a property is something you will not often do in your life, while it is important that you are well informed about the latest developments on the market and to know exactly which step to take at what moment in time. For us this is our daily routine and we have been able to help many happy customers to sell their home. We offer you a lot of possibilities and flexibility during your sales process. Service as you wish! 

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Buying your dream home

Would you like to buy a house soon? Then take your own Lightcity Housing agent with you to the second viewing. We are aware of the latest offers on the market, inspect the intended home thoroughly and negotiate the most favourable purchase price and conditions. We will take care of the purchase process for you, so that you can enjoy your new home without any worries. Purchases without surprises.

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More information? Contact us

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